- Trinkets & Togs Thrift Store accepts clean, gently used items including housewares and clothing.
- Accepted during business hours
- Provide work opportunities and job training to individuals with disabilities
- Provide clothing* to those less fortunate than we, in Third World countries
- Are tax deductible
*Only items that cannot be sold at Trinkets & Togs are sent to Third World  Countries

We do not accept the following items:
- Large appliances
- Microwaves
- Computers
- Televisions
- VHS tapes and VCRs
- Console Stereos
- Exercise Equipment
- Mattresses
- Tires
- Auto Parts
- Car Seats
- Lawn Mowers
- Building Materials
- Toxic Materials (Paint, Oil, Varnish)
(Store contacts here?)
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Trinkets & Togs is Green!