In-Home Services

Our trained and dedicated staff are here to help you become or remain a valued member of the community. The Larrabee Center provides skills training and supports to help you overcome barriers you may face due to your disability. Services are provided in your home and community and are personalized for you based on your needs and personal life goals. We can provide supports in the following areas as identified in your individualized service plan:
- Maintaining your physical and/or mental health
- Managing your money and budgeting
- Volunteering and pursuing educational opportunities
- Meal planning and preparation
- Building natural supports and friendships
- Connecting to the community through social/leisure opportunities
- Accessing community resources
- Applying for and maintaining eligibility for benefits and assistance programs
Home Habilitation Services are provided to Medicaid eligible adults with a mental health diagnosis. For more information about Home Habilitation Services, contact Stephanie Brooks, Administrative/CSS Program Manager at (319) 352-2234 or email at
Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) are provided to adults eligible for the Intellectual Disability (ID) Waiver or Brain Injury (BI) Waiver. For more information about HCBS Waiver Services, contact John Lord, CSS and Property Program Manager at (319) 352-2234 or email at
Sandy's Story

Sandy lives with mental illness, something she recognizes is often kept private as there is stigma attached to it. She hopes her story can help give others hope in their recovery. “I was struggling with my mental health issues and had to be hospitalized. I also had serious health issues and was not doing well.” After changes in her medication improved her mental health, Sandy was discharged from the hospital. When Sandy left the hospital after inpatient mental health treatment, she was worried and scared about living in a new community and not having any support in her recovery. Sandy soon found the support she needed through services from The Larrabee Center. “Staff came to my home and helped me with grocery shopping, getting to my doctor appointments and housekeeping.” Sandy had no support system at the time and would have been isolated without services. “The Larrabee Center really made a difference for me. They supported me, talked to me and helped me as I got better.” Sandy says it’s all different for her now. “Now that I’m in recovery, I have hope and enjoy life. And my support system is expanding now – I have friends and have found a church family.” While Sandy recognizes she has a role to play in her own recovery, she is thankful to have had The Larrabee Center services to have helped her along the way.